Razor Wire

Mihan Noor Company produces razor wire in different dimensions and in three types: razor, circular and linear. Different types of razor wire are usually used for different purposes, razor wire is usually used in security cases and for fencing. And in addition to military centers or airports, it is also used in many agricultural lands, farms and other such things. Razor wire is made of two strands of wire, which usually has high resistance and shows resistance against weather conditions.
The cost-effectiveness of using razor wire has increased the popularity of using razor wire. In the following, we will get to know the razor wire products of Mihan Noor Company

Specifications of Razor wire

  • Available in three types: linear, ring, razor
  • The material of the main wire is hard steel
  • Number of spikes: 4 galvanized blades
سیم خاردار تبری

Razor wire

Uses of Razor wire

Razor wire is usually used for fencing, and to create a safe fence, using barbed wire is the best choice. According to the type of fencing, different types of barbed wire may be used, but in general, it can be said that the uses of barbed wire are included in the following collection.

Military and law enforcement places
Agriculture and animal breeding industries
Fencing factories
Security matters

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